Yoga and Memories

imagesThere is  a mind-body connection in yoga.  Meaning, the body, can activate experiences in the mind. For example, our hips carry a lot of our memories and as you begin to stretch and open them up, a flood of memories can come through.
Pigeon Pose* A very deep hip opener, excellent for unlocking memories.
     When we begin to open the body, stored energy, tension and experiences begin to unlock, in a very peaceful and pleasing way.  Even if the memory is not a good one, you are in a state of mind to process and heal.  Crying in a certain pose of yoga is a very common experience! You are unlocking suppressed feelings.
      Yesterday the memory that flashed into my mind was an extremely happy one. So powerful, it took me back to one of the happiest times in my life. Living in the South of France.  For a moment I saw the ocean and beach where I laid out, I felt the sunlight on my skin. An incredibly uplifting sensation entered my present moment. I also realized, I am that happy again!
    Recalling these memories caused an uplifting effect on my emotions. I realized, through yoga, memories begin to present themselves.
    Remembering the South of France reminded me of what I need to keep doing to stay happy.  Enjoy myself! Everyone has beautiful memories stored inside them and through yoga, it is a safe environment to access them and share in their joy again. Take those happy times from the past to the present and creating more for the future. Sad ones come too, and it is the most uplifting release, to finally set it free and not have it live dormant inside you.