22 Yoga Facts About Me

22 Yoga Facts About me

1. I started practicing 6 years ago.
2. I hated it.
3. I was very stiff, I am a former basketball player with extremely tight hamstrings
4. I didn’t understand anything the teacher was saying
5. My ego thought the class and the teacher were “lame”
6. But then the boyfriend I had during that time said he really liked me after I did yoga.
7. I realized I felt peaceful and happy despite my original opinion.
8. I took yoga for 4 years for free outside in  a park
9.  Those sessions cleared my mind and inspired me
10. I had magical meditations
11. I would do yoga, then record music.
12. I struggled making money and worked in retail
13. I had terrible anxiety (from my teens into adulthood)
14.  I had trouble focusing
15. It grew into a very dark depression (I’m an artist)
16. I struggled at my retail job (terrible anxiety at work)
17. My nerves were fried
18. My house was a mess
14. I quit retail
15. I decided to enroll in a Yoga teacher training course
16.  For 200 hours I “hit the mat” every day facing my self
17. My anxiety cured.
18. My depression was gone.
19. I started teaching immediately to help others.
20. I enrolled in a 300 hour graduate program
21. I started this blog.
22. My album “Kingdom in the Sky” was inspired by the meditations I experienced in yoga.