Yoga and Meditation- The Third Eye

tumblr_n6u427iVAF1s030vgo1_250Before I just take you on a guided meditation exercise, I wanted to take the time to explain to you the Third Eye.  This is a term we have heard and seen many times in media and in our culture.  But what is it really? Why is this important to know? It is important because when you meditate, it is where you look when your eyes are closed.  The reason it is important to gaze up at the Third Eye with our eyes closed is because it is a place one can focus.  This area stimulates the Pineal gland and allows our thoughts to become so concentrated they become one focused. This is why it is often referred to as the “all seeing eye” due to the fact that is actually our mind doing the seeing.  When you begin to see with your mind it is a completely new and wonderful experience.  The Third Eye is a portal to what many say is another dimension.  Meditating and focusing with the Third Eye allows us to experience deep and wonderful access to new worlds and vibrations.

“The pineal gland is the ‘mind’s eye.’ ” – Dr. Cheryl Craft, Ph.D.,  Chair of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California.

Ancient cultures have been obsessed with this area of our mind for thousands of years.  It is strongly linked to spiritual experiences.

Where is it when I close my eyes?

I want you to read my instructions then take a moment to sit back and do it yourself:

Gently lean back in your seat or lay down.

Closing your eyes begin to relax all the muscles in your face.

With the eyes closed, begin to gently roll the eyes towards the space in the middle of your forehead, slightly above your eyebrows.

That is the location of your Third Eye.

Still not finding it?

Close your eyelids and imagine the blackness in front of you is a dark movie theater screen. Ready for you to project and create any image onto it.  Focusing your eyes and thoughts towards the Third eye will your thoughts to become one pointed. This is a very powerful tool for focusing.Third_eye

After you have practiced experiencing gazing at your Third Eye it is much easer to be instructed in guided meditation. It also helps after your yoga practice, when you are in the final pose Savasana.  Many people do not have practice with meditation. Understanding where to focus  will help you become more in touch with your higher psyche.


With this knowledge one begins see the true majesty of Nature and her design.

Still curious? For 18 cool facts about the pineal gland click here: