The Samurai Warrior & the Zen Master

The Samurai Warrior and the Zen Master


I’m going to tell you a story about a Samurai warrior and a Zen Master. The warrior was big and strong and had won many battles. The Zen Master was a rather small old man with merry eyes, and was well-known far and wide as being one of the wisest and kindest men in the land.

One day, the Samurai warrior went to the Zen master for instruction. “Please,” the huge man asked, “teach me about heaven and hell.”

The master scowled at the swordsman, then broke into mocking laughter. “Me, teach you about heaven and hell? I wouldn’t waste a moment trying to instruct the brain of an overweight ignoramous like you! How dare you ask me for such a lofty insight?”

Well, upon hearing these words, the Samurai grew furious. No one could insult him like this and get away with it. Enraged, his face flushed and he drew his sword to chop off the teacher’s head. Just as he was about to strike, the master raised his hand and calmly said “That, sir, is hell.”

Upon hearing this, the samurai suddenly realized the profound lesson the master had just taught him – that we make our own hell by indulging in anger and resentment. The warrior was so grateful for this teaching that he dropped his sword and fell to his knees in front of the Master, bowing in humility and gratitude. When he looked up, the old man was smiling.

“And that, sir,” the teacher noted, “is Heaven.


All of us have the power to create peaceful moments for ourselves.  When was the last time you took a restorative yoga class? It had been years since I took the time to go to a class that wasn’t a workout.  I task each of you to schedule time in this week to find a local yoga restorative class and allow your body to reenergize.

There is as much yoga in the pause, as there is in the pose. Namaste.