Bathing in the Yoga River

unnamed-1Some of us, are disciplined. Some of us, are not. I always walk a very fine line between the two. I do yoga a lot! I teach a lot, I study it a lot,  I certainly talk about it a lot…and I try to practice a lot. Usually I make it to the mat 2 -3 times a week for my own practice.  I really really try. My students,  who initially hired me for one private lessons a week, are now up  to 2-3 times a week. They have begun to see that their yoga practice is not just a one time thing. As much as we would love it to be.

Oh how I wish the zen like state I achieved, the mental clarity, the abundance of energy I get (from just one practice) would be enough to last me a life time! But one must consistently dive into the yoga river.  We are jagged rocks in need of smoothing by the rapid and pure yoga water. It is something we must dive into as often as possible, constantly cleansing and purifying our minds and bodies.  Making our thoughts and bodies as smooth as the stones at the bottom of a river bed.

Each day is a new day to check in, and no practice is ever the same.  I would love to tell you “try it once and enjoy the benefits.”  I would LOVE to bottle up in a pill the wonderful effects this practice has, but it is a life long practice for you now. Face it head on. Do it regularly, do it always. Do it now! Namaste.